Spring has Sprung

March 24th 2022

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Something for the weekend...?

Now that Spring has sprung, the sun is shining and Lamb is coming into season why not try this...

Minted Lamb & Charred Peas

This springtime favourite has been given a fresh twist by the Beacon Foods innovation team. Lamb chops marinaded and roasted in an aromatic mint sauce with a hint of green harissa.

The subtle spice provides a warming flavour that pairs perfectly with charred spring vegetables. The salad to accompany the dish is a combination of little gem, garden peas grilled in their pods for extra sweetness and spring onions. We cook the vegetables in this dish using all our chargrilling experience - finished with lemon, sea salt and a drizzle of olive oil.

Beacon Foods - fire up your NPD team with a virtual vegetable masterclass!

Please get in touch if you are developing a seasonal classic this year and want a fresh perspective and to learn more about the range of sauces, compotes and prepared dishes we offer.